Current location: HomeService


Service Hotline

You can contact our service team during working hours on weekdays (Monday to Friday)

Hotline at headquarter

+ 86-573-82826395

Hotline hours: 08:30-17:30 China time

Service Engineer Hotline


Hotline hours: 08:30-22:30 China time

Outside of working hours and public holidays, your call will be recorded by a professional call centre who will forward your request to us. On the next working day, you will receive feedback from our service team

Service mail

Common Question:

Technical Questions:

Spare parts:

Further Service

Maintenance Agreement

Sign maintenance agreements to optimize equipment efficiency and minimize downtime.


Delivery and professional installation of high quality accessories in the shortest possible time, including warranty.

Active service

Free on-site inspection of equipment, make suggestions and spare parts list.


From installation to calibration, we will provide targeted training to your staff, so as to reduce errors and accidents in the process of operation, provide production efficiency, and establish your own equipment maintenance team.

Move Devices

We provide professional disassembly and installation services for customers who want to relocate the plant, to ensure that you have no worries.

Upgrade and Optimization

Optimize your equipment, simplify hardware operations or software upgrades, and ensure that the production line can generate maximum profit.


Our professional engineers regularly inspect your equipment to ensure that wear and defects can be detected in advance, further reducing the risk of equipment errors during the production process.